Friday, October 20, 2006

apartment or tardis??

We’re well into the packing now, and the place is looking absolutely horrendous. We have boxes everywhere, rubbish everywhere and very little room to move. It isn’t exactly the most pleasant environment right now.

I have to say, though, I’m astounded at how much stuff we have. I knew things were jammed pretty tight into that little shoebox-sized apartment, but it just keeps on coming. We have boxes stacked to the ceiling along the wall, and we’re not even done yet! I’m starting to suspect our apartment is actually a tardis…

Thursday, October 19, 2006

too sexy?

I don’t know if I’d go quite so far as to agree with the whole men are from mars, women are from venus thing, but there is no denying we have our differences. And one of the big ones is self-image.

Its something everybody knows, but it really struck me this morning that the average male self-image and the average female self-image are absolutely miles apart. What brought it to mind this morning in particular? Watching The Boy, fresh out of bed, unshaven and wild-haired, singing I’m Too Sexy into the bathroom mirror… Ok, it was a little tongue in cheek, but how many women do you know who would do that, especially when they’d just got out of bed??

Thursday, October 12, 2006

rent to own, my butt…

One thing we’re going to have to do with this new place is buy whiteware, which I’ve never needed before. Everywhere else I’ve lived has already had all the whiteware – either belonging to an existing flattie or as part of the package. The new place has a stove and dishwasher, but no fridge, washing machine or dryer. So we can cook but not store fresh food and we can wash our dishes but not our clothes… not exactly ideal!

So, we’re going to have to sally forth and learn about the wonderful world of home appliances. One thing we’ve learned already, through the wonders of the internet, is that DTR is a rip-off. Rent to own, my butt. When you multiply their “low weekly payments” by the number of weeks you have to pay, it works out at least double what you’d pay if you just bought the things from a normal appliance shop. You see “2 years interest free” specials all the time, so it isn’t like you have to have all the cash up front, so why on earth would you do DTR??

A trap for young players, that’s all it is.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

pj in the suburbs?

Yes, its true – we’re moving to the suburbs… The big move is happening over Labour Weekend.

We’ve finally had enough of living in a city apartment the size of a shoebox, and are ready for a bit of greenery and a real kitchen. Maybe once we have a kitchen bigger than a ship’s galley, it’ll be easier to get The Boy to cook a bit more often. We’ll definitely be having a few bbq’s in the summer, which should keep my Brazilian Gaucho happy.

So, now we have the super-fun task of packing and planning what needs to come out of storage. Plus what needs to go into storage and what just needs to get chucked. I really hate packing and moving. You’d think it wouldn’t be so hard, considering the size of our current place, but its amazing how much crap we have jammed in there. The Boy is a bit of a hoarder…

I’m not entirely sure how I’m going to go with the whole taking the bus to work thing. That will definitely be a shock to the system. I’ll give it a go, anyway, and see what happens.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

welcome to daylight savings…

What a crap start to Daylight Savings this year is having. Despite having great weather for most of September, the first two and a half days of daylight savings have seen some of the worst thunder storms Auckland has had for ages. I know its all about Murphy’s Law, but someone should have strangled that bugger at birth. If this is a sign of the summer to come, lets all move to the Gold Coast now.

By the way – if anyone is wondering how The Boy’s vegetarianism is going… he hasn’t had a meat-less day yet!