Thursday, January 11, 2007


The Boy discovered a website yesterday (as he does) with a quiz that asks a bunch of questions about your spiritual and humanitarian beliefs and then tells you which religions are most compatible with those beliefs. They rank 27 religions, and number 25 on The Boy’s results list was Catholic. This is pretty funny, considering he actually is Catholic.

His number 22 was Islam. That really should have been number 27, because I know there is no way The Boy could ever be Muslim. Not because of any of his spiritual beliefs, but because he could never in a million years give up bacon… Think of Homer Simpson in a drooling daze, and you’ve pretty much got the picture.

Interestingly enough, 4 of our top 5 results were the same, although in different order. Considering he is Catholic and I’m completely non-religious, that isn’t what I’d have expected. Some of the religions on the list are pretty random, though – many of them I’ve never heard of, and some look more like pseudo-cults to me. I’m not going to be rushing out to join any of them, anyway.

If you’re interested, the site was One way to kill 5 minutes, I guess.

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