Wednesday, June 06, 2007

flavour of the month

What is it with weddings in Rarotonga lately? It seems like every second person is rushing up there to tie the knot. For the second year in a row, I’ll be heading up to Rarotonga for a friend’s wedding (different friends, obviously). The wedding is in late August and The Boy is coming with me this time. We’ve just booked our tickets and accommodation, and are looking forward to a week of fun in the sun (with a wedding thrown in).

With superb timing, she’s getting married a few days before The Boy’s birthday. This is a double bonus for him, considering he’ll not only get a trip away but he’ll actually get a warm birthday instead of the chilly winter day he usually gets. Mind you – I haven’t told him this yet, but every time I’ve been to Rarotonga, it’s rained pretty much the whole time I’ve been there… Oh well, at least it’ll be warm.

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