Thursday, June 07, 2007

going gold

The Boy and I went to the movies last night, but with a bit of a difference. It was part of a function being hosted in the Gold Class Lounge at the VillageSkyCity cinemas, so it also included an open bar and yummy nibbles.

For those who haven’t heard about them, the Gold Class theatres have full-on reclining armchairs and on-call service throughout the movie. It’s certainly an excellent way to watch a movie – curled up in a recliner with full bar and snack service just the press of a button away. As an added bonus, the function’s hosted bar continued throughout the movie, so the copious amounts of Shiraz consumed by The Boy didn’t break the bank (well, not ours anyway – maybe the host’s!). I was driving, so could only have one, which was a bit of a bummer.

It was just as well the seats were comfy, because the movie was a whopping 2 hours 50 minutes long (and not terribly gripping). The hardest part of the whole experience was trying not to fall asleep.

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