Friday, May 19, 2006

ah, the passion…

Seems like my wee posting yesterday struck a few nerves with The Boy…

Thanks for your comment FMF – you do have a good point. I’ve personally always found rugby better for that, though – they tend to be bigger than the soccer (oops, sorry – FOOTBALL) players ;o)


Anonymous said...

... yes, they are also more stupid.
you forgot to mention that Rugby players have a low iQ and hardly susceed outside of the pitch. They spend too long taking orders from other inbreeds and never develop a self-contained-idependence. That's why, at the end of their careers, they end up making a few bucks by selling cheap beers thru commercials, instead of becoming multi-millionaires as a FOOTBALL player would. The difference between FOOTBALL and rugby is very much the same between TENNIS and ping-pong (table tennis)... one is a sport, the other is just a jerk off...

pj said...

ok... tell that to David Kirk, the CEO of Fairfax Media, the media giant which just purchased Trade Me. He was previously the captain of the All Black team which won the first rugby world cup. Got any stories of football players in similar positions???

Anonymous said...

yes, MIchelle Platini... the next French president... Fairfax what?

pj said...

Hell, if Ronald Reagan and George W Bush can be elected president of a country, how hard can it be?? ;o)

Anonymous said...

Pj....just pretend you have will never win a debate with a south american over football - its a religion to them - a part of their culture - a part of their heart...
....especially wont win with a brazilian...they are 'wrong' when it comes to something so strong they believe in.
You are going to have a tough time during June....just give in now while you are ahead!! Boa sorte!

Anonymous said...

sorry - was meant to say they are never 'wrong' (ahem..!) when it comes to something they so strongly believe in....

pj said...

what would be the fun in that?? Its my job to wind him up :o)

Anonymous said...

This debate may last a while huh?
I agree that football is definately a game of skill, its surely a skill that 90% of south american boys are born with - very rarely are they 'taught' how to play but naturally is second nature to them. Yes, they get paid very well, and alot of Brazilian boys have found stardom from playing on the street - then going to play for a provincial team - then being selected and hunted by major team scouts (as the likes of say a few).
Not only do they earn the biggest bucks - end up with the blondest children show hosts from Brazil - driving the latest porsches or Range Rovers of the century...they also end up with continous scandal, affairs, front page drug accusations etc....
NOW - if you take a look at the crediablity of the past and present All Black players, yes they too have skill, maybe not so much money as Beckham or Ronaldo...BUT they show the best example of the 'Family Man'..the 'Kiwi Provider' (Great examples include: Zin-Zan Brooke, Sean Fitzpatrick, David Kirk, Dylan Mika, Tana Umanga, Buck Shelford). To date - can you ever remember Zin-Zan Brooke on the front page of the NZ Herald or some woman's mag being branded a 'Scandalous Drug abuser'? or having affairs 'left right and centre'? or his marriage being on the rocks? ...Nope! nor can I!
But all of the above leads away from the actual game(s) we intially were i'll stop there.
In all - the hot blooded latins have egos & think money & of women....the hot blooded kiwis have stability and pride to maintain!

.....unfortunately I am still a massive football fan...bring on the 10th of June 2006!!