Wednesday, January 17, 2007

softy dad

Since the arrival of our kitten a couple of weeks ago, I can definitely say The Boy is Softy Dad.

We went to the supermarket on Saturday for the first time since we picked up the kitten. Getting The Boy past the pet section was a mission and a half. He was going crazy over all the toys and was pretty much ready to fill the whole trolley with loot for his little girl.

After about 15 minutes of negotiation, we managed to compromise on a “tickle stick” – a long flexible stick with a bundle of bright feathers on the end – and a few little treat meals to supplement her regular kitten food.

They were good choices, though – she goes bananas over the tickle stick and wolfs down the food. Well done, Softy Dad – I’m sure your little baby appreciates the efforts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Job!: )