Monday, August 07, 2006

pay now or pay lots more later

The Boy & I were supposed to go to a 30th birthday party on Saturday night, for a colleague of mine who is currently on maternity leave. After I’d spent half an hour doing my hair (which I never do, because I’m completely useless at it) and another half hour doing a full-on evening makeup (which I hardly ever do, because I’m too lazy), he decided he was too tired and too sick to go out. Wonderful timing, sweetheart. Especially considering you were well enough to go out Friday night…

So, as penance, he has to take me out on a proper “date” this Saturday. That means a nice romantic night, getting nicely dressed up, going to a nice restaurant and out for drinks somewhere nice afterwards. It would have been cheaper and easier for him if he’d just got off his butt and gone to the 30th, but you know boys – sometimes they’re slightly slow learners.


Anonymous said...

I think after the price of a few cocktails he'll become a very fast learner :o)

pj said...

let's hope!!