Wednesday, May 02, 2007

little black rocket

Well, there is no denying The Kitten is loving the new house. So much more room for her to explore and all sorts of odd corners for her to poke her whiskers into. Plus the fact that we still have boxes and suchlike everywhere, which make the place one big kitty-jungle-gym.

But I think the thing she likes best of all is that she now has room to get up a bit of speed when she’s racing around. Her personal motto seems to be “never walk if you can run”. Well, one of her personal mottoes, anyway (along with “if the fridge is being opened I should be getting fed”, “who cares if it’s 5 am – if I’m awake then you should be too” and other such gems).

So beware of the little black rocket rushing around the house. It only has two speeds – dead run and dead asleep.


pj said...

The little black rocket decided she wanted her own site, so see the link on the top right or go to


Anonymous said...

Makes us feel better about all the times YOUR cat woke us up! - Mum & Dad

As for her own site - truly sad!

pj said...

what's sad is that she gets more hits than I do!! :o)