Monday, December 18, 2006

how do they do it?

Children really are amazing creatures. How can beings so small and so cute be capable of creating such bedlam, such ear-splitting noises and leaving such a trail of destruction?

I had the annual Xmas get-together with a few old school friends yesterday, which it was my turn to host. The party included 4 young whipper-snappers ranging from 1 to 6 years old. Two of them had just come from a birthday party, so they were already sugar-shocked before they even arrived.

Don’t get me wrong – I love the kids and always enjoy seeing them, but they could definitely teach Genghis Khan and his ravaging hordes a lesson or two. My utmost respect, and somewhat bewildered admiration, has to go to all the parents out there who deal with these little critters 24/7. I’m always completely exhausted after a few hours!

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