Tuesday, December 19, 2006

showing some christmas love

Partners of friends can be difficult to buy for, don’t you think? They’re often not people you have all that much contact with, even when the relationship is long term. Besides, when you’re on a bit of a budget, you don’t necessarily want to have to spend a lot of money on “partner presents”.

My solution to that for the last several years has been home baking. I make chocolate brownies and/or biscuits and buy some nice plates to put them on. Wrapped up in cellophane and tied with curling ribbon, it looks good and doesn’t cost the earth, but is still something that shows a bit of effort.

Since we had a Christmas gathering on Sunday, I spent a good part of Saturday evening and Sunday morning doing the baking (see how exciting my life is in the suburbs?!). This year it was a couple of batches of brownies and loads of cranberry & white choc chip butter cookies.

It occurred to The Boy & I that, since we had all this Christmas baking, it would be nice to do the neighbourly thing and give some to the people on either side of us. We still aren’t really used to this whole “chat to the neighbours” thing, but we’ve been trying to improve. Anyway, they seemed to appreciate it, so I guess we’re learning.

Actually, I suppose neighbours and friends’ partners are similar in a way. In both cases, you don’t necessarily have a lot in common with them or see them very often, and sometimes you don’t even like them that much, but it’s wise to maintain civil relations with them.

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