Wednesday, December 20, 2006

my new crusade…

I’ve been on a bit of a mission since we moved, and that mission is to eliminate all ants setting foot on our place. It’s a bit of a losing battle, considering the whole area is rife with them (with a thin layer of soil over volcanic rock, the conditions are ant-heaven). Still, I’m out there daily, refilling the ant-bait stations and fly-spraying anything that moves.

The latest discovery was a load of ants actually in my car. I must have used a good half can of fly-spray on them – we’re now in danger of suffocating on fumes if we drive with the windows closed, but at least there aren’t any crawly things in my poor wee car.

The Boy thinks its hilarious watching me race around with the ant bait and fly spray in my vendetta against all creepy-crawlies, but so long as I can at least keep them out of our house (and my car!) then I’ll be happy.

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