Thursday, December 28, 2006

i might be winning…

I hate to tempt fate by saying so, but I think I might be starting to win the ‘battle of the ants’.

I made bacon for breakfast on Christmas Day, since it’s The Boy’s favourite. The greasy paper towels I’d put the cooked bacon on, and the empty bacon packet, were in the kitchen rubbish bin. I’d intended to change the bag before we left the house to spend the rest of xmas day and night at mum & dad’s, but stupidly forgot. When we got back home, more than 24 hours later, there wasn’t a single ant anywhere near the bin.

I also discovered this morning that The Boy had left an open container of brownies in the lounge when he came to bed last night. Again, not one single ant.

Considering that when we moved in doing something dumb like either of the above would have meant we had an ant swarm within half an hour, this is serious progress.

So there you go. The Boy can mock my attempts at ant-genocide (as he likes to call it) as much as he likes – at least it seems to be working. Touch wood.

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