Thursday, January 25, 2007

procrastination king

I have to say, The Boy really is the uber-procrastinator. Never mind “why do today what you can put off until tomorrow”, his motto is more like “why do today what you can put off until next year”. Or, better yet, get someone else to do for you.

A classic example of this is today: he has finally taken one of the suits he brought back from his last trip to Brazil in for the alterations it needs. His last trip to Brazil was in September 2005.

With skills like that, I think he can proudly claim the crown of Procrastination King. If he gets around to it, that is.


Anonymous said...

Its been nearly 3.5 months since you last typed... bring some giggles back into our lives. It was always such a delight to see a new daily entry.

pj said...

I guess that makes me the Procrastimation Queen, then! :o)

In my own defence, things have been manic so far this year. Plenty of blog material but no time to actually write! Will have to try to do better... :o)