Friday, April 21, 2006

check out Rialto’s extreme makeover

We went to the Rialto in Newmarket last night for the first time since it re-opened. One word – wow. What a difference. I used to avoid Rialto whenever possible, even though they show some great movies, because the grot factor was just too high for me - call me a snob, but I do at least expect semi-cleanliness. The place has been completely transformed (plus, you can take your glass of wine from the bar into the cinema, which is great for all us booze-hags).

The Boy & I were there thanks to his connections at the Brazilian Embassy. He scored us tickets to the Latin Film Festival opening, and the pre-drinks hosted by the Ambassador of Mexico. Very nice. The movie was Amar te Duele (Love Hurts) – a Mexican film. It was basically a modern Romeo & Juliet, and wasn’t bad if you like such things. It was definitely too long, and the director seemed to have a bit of a thing for nipples. There were loads of gratuitous nipple shots – male and female (although, oddly enough, The Boy only noticed the female ones…).

My main complaint about the movie was that we were sitting in the front row, which is too close for a subtitled film (it was pre-seated and full, so we couldn’t move). Since my Spanish is limited to ordering a beer and cursing at people (you know, just the important stuff!), it was a bit of a pain.

All in all, though, a good night out.


Anonymous said...

I'm an anonymous, incredibly handsome and painfully Progressive American boy. I stumbled upon this blog and I must say, I love reading that Kiwi accent! PJ should continue her new blogging career as she has quite a flair.

Through her blog, I feel like I know both PJ and The Boy quite well! I almost feel as if we've been on holiday on the South Island together! It's spooky!

As for the Rialto, I can't wait to go and check it out when next I am upside down in that hemisphere. I hope I can catch a flick and enjoy a glass(es) of wine with The Boy and PeeJ at that juncture.

pj said...

Wow, that is so spooky - I'm picturing you as tall, dark & handsome with a penchant for trying any and every local beer...
