Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Its a disease...

Did anybody watch the controversial “Bloody Mary” episode of South Park? If so, you’ll know that they were actually bagging alcoholics and AA more than Christians, and you’ll understand the “It’s a disease – I’m powerless” reference.

Anyway, I’m more and more convinced that The Boy does indeed have a disease, and is (quite willingly) powerless. The disease is computeritis, with the added complication of internetitis.

His latest discovery is – a sort of ‘find an old friend’ website. There are dozens (perhaps hundreds) of his old school friends, family and acquaintances from Brazil on the site, and he has been like a kid at Xmas since he discovered it yesterday.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not the wicked witch of the west. Well, ok, maybe sometimes… I’m happy for him finding all these people again & being able to catch up with what they’re doing (even if it does seem like half of the female population of South Brazil are ex-girlfriends of his). I think its lovely for him, but its just the latest in a long string of discoveries of such things (Google Earth, Hi-5 etc etc). Its never ending, which is both the blessing & the curse of the internet.

If anyone knows a cure for computeritis and/or internetitis, can you please contact me on – I’m willing to pay. A lot.

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