Monday, July 17, 2006

sold out

Don’t you hate it when you’re really looking forward to seeing a movie but its sold out when you arrive? That happened to us on Saturday night with Pirates of the Caribbean 2. We would normally have pre-booked online, but I had free passes which couldn't be pre-booked (but could be used at No Complimentary movies, so obviously not Hoyts passes…).

The other choices weren’t too hot. The Boy refused to see Take the Lead, I refused to see Final Destination 3 and we’d already seen Superman and X-Men. That left a choice of Click or RV. I’m not a big fan of Adam Sandler, but it seemed better than watching a Robin Williams family vacation movie, so we saw Click.

Even when the movie you end up seeing isn’t too bad, you still have that dissatisfaction of missing out on your first choice. Oh well, no doubt we’ll see it another time.


Anonymous said...

yes, if you pay for the tickets, of corse...

pj said...

so what's new??

Anonymous said...

C'mon boy - pull out and let PJ have the night of her life...on you! (..and not the movies either).

PJ - when it happens...make sure you report it on the site.

By the way, 'Take the Lead' is a good movie, I wonder if it didnt have Antonio Banderas in it that the boy would of gone? What is it with Antonio that the men feel insecure about???

pj said...

to be fair, he pays for the movies at least as often as I do, and he pays for a meal beforehand most of the time ;o)

I think the problem he has with Take the Lead is not just Antonio (who is sexy, sorry Boy...) but the whole dancing thing. Boy is from South Brazil where, unlike in the North, they think dancing is for women and pansies... such a shame...

pj said...

Although I do think the Big Night Out is a fabulous idea :o)

Anonymous said...

Antonio is gay... nobody is intimidated by a 5,6 Spaniard with a sad lisp... (o:

Anonymous said...

Well if you feel that Antonio doesnt have what a woman wants - then you are setting yourself up to sound like a real catch!

PJ - sounds like you must be sitting with a goldmine of a man there. I can only imagine a brazilian being sexy - make sure you keep this one well guarded!

I live in Christchurch where the south american's are about writing up how it is having a relationship with a south american, that to me, would be a very interesting read.

pj said...

hmm... worth a thought. I might do that some time.