Friday, July 07, 2006

where does it come from?

I’m in the process of moving offices at the moment, which is a pain in the butt. You don’t realise how much stuff you have until you have to move it, although at least it isn’t as bad as moving house. Mind you, what could be?

The thing that really amazes me, though, is how dirty things are. I like to think I’m pretty good at keeping my office clean – I clean my desk and shelves regularly, ditto my keyboard, mouse and phone. And yet I was looking at my hands after moving a bunch of stuff yesterday and they were seriously black with dust. So where does it all come from? You’d think an environment as sealed as an office building would be cleaner (its not like our windows open or anything). I guess it just goes to show how shoddy and unhealthy our air-conditioning system is.

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