Tuesday, July 18, 2006

tough decisions

Never mind “First Up, Best Dressed” – in our house its “First Up, Warmest Shower”.

The fact that I love my long showers has been a standing joke in my family most of my life. Now the biggest joke of all (and its on me, sadly) is that these days I live with someone who is even worse than I am. And compounding the problem is the fact that we have quite a small hot water cylinder.

So, every morning, especially in winter, it’s a race for the 2nd person in the shower to finish before the dreaded cold water starts flowing. Unfortunately that person is usually me, since The Boy starts work earlier than I do (and therefore gets out of bed before I do). What a horrible decision to have to make – get out of bed earlier, which I also loathe and despise, or have to have a super-quick shower. I must really love that Boy to live with this.

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