Monday, May 29, 2006

only in Ireland

I don’t really want to re-start the whole debate on the merits of football players, but I just read a very bizarre article. Apparently, Belfast has just named the smaller of their two airports after Irish football star George Best, who passed away in late 2004.

Now, I have nothing against things being named after local sporting heroes, but is George Best really someone who should be held up as a hero and role model? Alcoholism put an early end to his career, and his incessant drinking put him on the liver transplant list. Even after receiving the transplant, and being told he would die if he didn’t stop drinking, he defied doctors’ orders and drank himself into the grave. What a waste of a donor organ – I feel sorry for the family of the donor and the family of the person who was next on the list.

This is surely the most “Irish” decision I’ve seen in a long time.


Anonymous said...

funny, under the same circumstances, some idiot gave his to a gorilla called Jonah Lomu... Who spent must of his time between booz and MacDonalds burgers...

pj said...

come on now Irish - this isn't about football vs rugby. Its about a possibly poor decision by the city of Belfast. How such a beautiful city can name an airport after someone who abused himself basically to death I don't know.

Anonymous said...

Is a choice of Irish people.

Anonymous said...

Is a choice of Irish people.

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.