Tuesday, June 27, 2006

bad business

I spent my Sunday afternoon at the Bride & Groom Show with my future sister in law, my mum and one of the other bridesmaids. I have to ask – how can there be so much ugly stuff out there specifically designed for a day that is supposed to be so beautiful?? Some of it was just horrific.

Anyway, we went to one of the seminars presented by a hair & beauty company, who shall remain nameless. The presentation was good – the models were well done and the guy talking was fantastic, with some really excellent points.

Since he had been so good, we popped in to their “pamper zone” to see about getting a sample make-up done by them. They could squeeze in an appointment for The Bride & I, which we thought would be great. The girl I got wasn’t bad – she did a good job of the eye make up, although the lippie wasn’t so flash.

Unfortunately, The Bride wasn’t so lucky. She got an absolute dipstick. Tell me this – would any makeup artist with half a brain, having been told that the bride (who is blonde) is wearing baby pink, proceed to do an eye makeup so dark and black that it honestly looked like she’d been punched in the eye? For a wedding? It was so bad that The Bride asked her to take it off and try something else. Well, she did. It was a little better, but still very dark and black, and a pretty rough job. By that time, though, we just wanted to get out of there.

As it turns out, some of the people they had working in their makeover area were only students. It seems to me like very bad business practice to have inexperienced and, in some cases, incompetent makeup artists demonstrating for you at a show like that. We came out of the seminar feeling good about this company, but after that makeover we wouldn’t have them do the wedding makeup if you paid us. Very foolish on their part.


Anonymous said...

I was the Bride of Frankenstein, I would have scared small children the way I looked. I guess it could have worked if we were having a gothic wedding.

pj said...

yes - I'm not sure which part of "baby pink wedding dress" said "gothic makeup" to her! :o)

Anonymous said...

Well at least you know 'where not to go' for makeup artistry. In the end - if you had a laugh out of it, then let it just be one of those funny moments that you 3 can all look back and laugh at one day. A real true girly momment. Shame it had to waste a part of your time there.