Wednesday, June 28, 2006

a bit mean

I bought The Boy a present on Saturday which, considering the promises he made last week, was probably a bit mean. Remember promise number 3? The “I won’t drink more than 4 cups of coffee per week” one? Yes, I got him an espresso machine… In my own defence, I was at the Sunbeam factory clearance, and they had an incredible special on them. And he does love it.

Besides, if you’re only allowed 4 cups per week, they should at least be good ones, right?


Anonymous said...

He-he-he :o)

Anonymous said...

poor boy... dont set him up for failure PJ!

pj said...

believe me, thats the last thing I want to do. I did think long & hard about it, but he has wanted one for aaaages, and they had an absolutely unbelievable deal on. He's been good, though - it just means that instead of going and buying his 4 coffees he can make them himself :o)